2x Team Universe Heavyweight Nat'l Champion,
2009 (Natural) Mr. Ohio,
2010 NPC Junior Nat'ls (2nd, SuperHvyWght)
Christian Duque: For starters, please tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from, why did you start training, and what are some of the benefits that bodybuilding and fitness has earned you?
Shiloe Steinmetz: Well I am now 38 years old and have been bodybuilding since 1997. I started bodybuilding after college when the manager from the gym I worked out at in Columbus, OH convinced me -after that I was hooked! I loved the competion and the lifestyle. I was always interested in staying fit and working out; it just got better when I graduated and could actually afford food! LOL
I am orginally from Tiffin, Ohio and moved to Columbus after graduation from Pharmacy School at Ohio Northern University.
Since bodybuilding I have been blessed with many great things, such as a sponsorship and the opportunity to travel all over the US and abroad. I even met my wife at the Ohio Championships where I won "Mr. Ohio" in 2008.
Christian Duque: Your website says you've competed in over 55 shows -- that quite impressive! I must say, you first caught my eye w/ your terrific placings in the 2010 NPC Team Universe & NPC Junior Nationals, and given the success with which you know how to dial in your physique -- I think a procard for you is totally a forgone conclusion. But I guess the elephant in the room is .. if you win the Team U (or another Pro Qualifier) do you take your procard like a Jeff Willet -- or do you pass it up like a Skip LaCour -- and continue competing in the Universe and/other drug-tested national level shows?
Shiloe Steinmetz: Well, that is a great question and only time will tell the answer to that one. I guess it really depends on my age and if I ever get that pro card! Lol.
If I should get it in the next 2 years, I will take it and do a pro show or two and retire? If I don't get it soon, I guess retirement is inevitable anyways. haha Really it is up to God and where he leads and takes me. Also, depends on whether or not I have a family at the time also.
Christian Duque: As a natural, national level competitor could you please give us your take on prohormones, DHEA, and Ephedrine? I, personally, believe that natural federations comparing these supplements in any way, shape, or form to anabolic steroids are way way off kilter; however, I'm not the one being interviewed (lol).
Shiloe Steinmetz: I have to agree. They are in no way able to be compared. I personally think they are a waste of money and have little to no benefit with the risks of health issues. But none the less the rules are the rules and if they are banned then they are banned. Don't waste your money! LOL
Christian Duque: Could you please tell us how on Earth you put an extra 10lbs of lean size onto your physique for the 2010 NPC Team Universe - and - how much bigger you think you can get without beginning to compromise your streamlined physique and/or appearing blocky?
Shiloe Steinmetz: Well, it is rather easy. I have had the same problem all my years. I stay fairly lean and never eat enough. This year I had a new trainer and followed the diet in the off season. It was a ridiculous amount of food compared to what I was used to.
Also as far as the carb-up goes, I have never eaten so many carbs before! I actually gained weight the closer I got to the show.
The key was really nutrition. I do not want to get any bigger and am not sure I really can, eiher. I think I am maxed-out per se. Also, I do run the risk ofm losing the aesthetic-look and getting too big. I'm fine with where I am at now, looking forward to the day of retirement so then I can stop eating and really get my weight down.
Christian Duque: We've all heard the phrase "bodybuilding is a subjective sport" -- ad nauseam. We've also heard the talking heads -- over the years -- discuss how in certain IFBB shows like the Arnold, aesthetics are valued to the extent where mass is favored at the Olympia -- suggesting varying criteria per shows. If you agree with former and latter, would you say with any degree of reasonable certainty that the judges at Team Universe are looking for something distinct from that at the Junior Nat'ls, Nationals, USA's, or North American?
Shiloe Steinmetz: There may be some truth to what you're saying in the IFBB and then again it may be a different judging panel as well? I do agree that the Team Universe tends to favor more ripped asthetic physiques vs. the bigger bulky frames. Again it really is subjective and may be a differnt group of judges at the USA and Jr nationals ect.. There are I beleive some degree of politics as well, actually a big degree! LOL None the less it is a subjective sport and the "look" can change all the time.
Christian Duque: The NPC does a great job of having “natural” shows that prepare athletes for natural, national level competition at the Team Universe; the IFBB also has done a wonderful job of incorporating and promoting the Under 202 class; however, do you ever think the IFBB would match the NPC and offer “natural” shows through it’s professional league? And what do you think the response to such a directive would be?
Shiloe Steinmetz: NO, it will never happen. Simply because of money issues. The naturals will not bring the crowds and anytime there is money involved, people will find a way to bypass drug tests and it wouldn't be a true natural division anyway, but than again, you never know.
I think it would be cool. I would love to see drugs out of the sport totally, I hate that part of the whole industry. If the IFBB would do that they may eliminate alot of the other organizations out there and would unify the sport possibly. There are alot of good pros out there in other organizations but no one has heard of them or know who they are? I could only name maybe 2 or 3 and they are some really great ones! They just do not get any recognition and it would be cool if they did.
Christian Duque: As far as nutrition goes, I know you work with IFBB Pro George Farah -- whose become increasingly popular given his input w/ 2009 Mr. Olympia Runner-up Branch Warren. What other "gurus" have you worked with and what's your take on carb and sodium depletion and loading heading into a contest? Also, what are your thoughts on consuming distilled water leading up to a show – really necessary?
Shiloe Steinmetz: I have also worked with Mike Davies;he is a great trainer and gave me alot of good advice and help. I just decided to try something different this year and see how my body responded. As far as carb-depletion and loading goes, I tend to cut carbs back gradually as I get closer to the show and then add them back the wednseday before the event. Sodium on the other hand, I do nothing with and keep low the entire time. I don't believe distilled water is needed and actually it can deplete you of needed electrolytes and make you cramp up if you drink too much of it. Bottom line is: if you're lean enough, regular water is fine and simply monitor your sodium-intake.
Christian Duque: As far as your training goes, what does your off-season routine look like (e.g. how many days per week, times per day) and how does it change during your contest prep?
Shiloe Steinmetz: This is a very easy question because I do not change my training from off season to contest time. It is usually always intense at about 45-50 minutes tops.
Legs and arms usually run about an hour. I usually start out with a heavy bulking movement then follow up with 4-5 shaping movements. I do 4-5 times a week hitting a split of (legs, chest and calves, shoulders, arms, and back) then one day a week i add in abs and hips and maybe hammies again.
During contest season I do start cardio more often. Usually 30-40 minutes in the morning followed by 20 minutes after my workout in the evening. That is pretty much it. I lift heavy and hard and intense. i dont mess around in the gym. I kinda live by a saying Ronnie Coleman asseted: "Everyone wants to be Mr Olympia but no-one wants to life any heavy ass weight." That is so true you have to life big and eat big to get big.
Christian Duque: From the looks of many of your shots and from responses you’ve given in other interviews, you seem to really enjoy leg training – as do I. Do you train the entire leg (calves, hams, glutes, and quads) all in one day – or – do you split them up alongside other body parts throughout the week? Are there any leg exercises you favor -- that may be 'out of style w/ the gym mainstream today' (e.g. front squats, lunges, good-mornings, etc)?
Shiloe Steinmetz: I usually never train the whole leg in one day. It is just too much and I go all out on leg day. I squat heavy, leg press heavy and kill my legs. Usually my last set of squats in somewhere between 550-650 for 10 reps and then I do a burn out set of deep squats with 315. On my leg presses and squats my feet are real close togetrher if not touching. This allows my to put to effort in my quads and not in my butt. I split hammies on occasion and always do calves on a seperate day usually with chest. I do alot of lunges as I get closer to the show with step ups and a ton of leg extensions. That is it pretty much. You want big wheels you have to put a ton of weight on the bar and move it!
Christian Duque: What would you like to say to your fans, and what projects and/or upcoming shows do you see yourself being involved with for the rest of 2010?
Shiloe Steinmetz: The first thing I want to say to my fans is that all i have and done is a gift from God. I have been blessed in my life and I give a credit and glory to my king Jesus Christ. Without Christ I have no hope and no salvation and all I do here on Earth is worthless. I can give testimony after testimony of the great things God has done for me. I encourage anyone who does not know the Lord to genuinely seek him and your life will never be the same. As far as projects or shows the rest of the year?
HMMM I am done with shows for the year and possibly for good. I want to trim down and play some other sports and be more involved with my family and Church.
I could walk away from the sport and be totally content with what i have accomplished and never compete again. I would like to have my own bussiness someday and put my time and effort into a new goal. Only time will tell and I will go where God is directing me. Thanks for the interview and God bless! Shiloe